Using regular expressions in Oracle SQL queries, pt. I

This is an article on Oracle and using of regular expressions. Oracle has several regexp functions. Each will be described with an example below.

First things first

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* at the moment you can get 10g Express Edition [Universal] here: [^]

Using regular expressions in Oracle

There are five regexp methods implemented in Oracle:


Basically they work in exactly same way as other Oracle methods.

REGEXP functions parameters:

source - source string.

regexp - regular expression.

position - position of the character in the source string at which the match should start.

occurrence - specifies witch match to get from source string.

replacement - in REGEXP_REPLACE specifies what is the replacement for matched regexp in source string. If omitted, matching regexp value will be deleted.

return_option - in REGEXP_INSTR: set to 0 to get position of first character in match, set to 1 to get position of first character after the match.

mode - is a string of up to three (from four: i, c, n, m) characters.

  • i: turns off case sensitive matching.
  • c: turns on case sensitive matching.
  • n: '.' match any character, including newlines. DEFAULT: any character except newlines.
  • m: '^' and '$' match at the start and end of each line. DEFAULT: the match at the very start and the very end of the string.

REGEXP_LIKE(source, regexp, modes*)

SELECT 'true' FROM dual 
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE('Hello world', 'l{1,2}');
Returns true if source string contains substring 'l' or 'll'.

REGEXP_SUBSTR(source, regexp, position*, occurrence*, modes*)

SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('Hello World!', 'W([a-z]+)') FROM dual;
Returns a substring matching 'W' plus additional leters (more then one). Which is 'World'

REGEXP_REPLACE(source, regexp, replacement*, position*, occurrence*, modes*)

SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('Hello World!', 'W([a-z]+)') FROM dual;
Returns 'Hello !' because we deleted 'World'

REGEXP_INSTR(source, regexp, position*, occurrence*, return_option*, modes*)

SELECT REGEXP_INSTR('Hello World!', '([A-Z])', 1, 2, 0, 'c') FROM dual;
Returns position of 2nd capitalic letter. Which is 7.

REGEXP_COUNT(source, regexp, position*, mode*) **

* optional parameter
** not available in Oracle 10g Express Edition

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