PS3Splitter release info

We are happy to announce another PS3Splitter release!
  • Visit project summary page to get more details about general features.
  • Please feel free to leave a comment here on any usage difficulties or benefits of this version.
Give PS3Splitter a try to see what it's really capable of!

Submitted changes:
  • Bug #37: Windows 7 crashes right after 'Execute' action

What kind of PS3Splitter do you prefer?

Graphical user interface in is something I like.
62% (146 votes)
I like my default system skin.
38% (91 votes)
Total votes: 237

PS3Splitter forum is now avaialable!

Now you can share all your thoughts about PS3Splitter! From now on comments in project summary page are read-only.


Due to important changes in the developed Karmian Framework all releases will be postponed to late February / early March.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

PS3Splitter release info

We are happy to announce another PS3Splitter release!
  • Visit project summary page to get more details about general features.
  • Please feel free to leave a comment here on any usage difficulties or benefits of this version.
Give PS3Splitter a try to see what it's really capable of!

Submitted changes:
  • Feature: New split opreration type: copies selected directory full content & checks for large files on fly!. If option to delete origin file(s) is selected PS3Splitter moves selected directory instead of copying it. This feature is still in beta stage, so please be patient if you want stable release.
Known issues
  • PS3Splitter does not allow to cancel in progress operation.
  • Total progress bar may be imprefect while copying whole game directory.

PS3Splitter release info

We are happy to announce PS3Splitter first release!
  • Visit project summary page to get more details about general features.
  • PS3Splitter in this release connects to Karmian Update Service on application startup. Keeping all features and bug fixes up to date is necessary in our opinion.

Give PS3Splitter a try to see what it's really capable of!

Export format keywords

You can use keywords listed here in Grasshopper.Plugin.BasicFormatter version and above.

%row.begin%		Begins row output 
%row.end%		Ends row output 

%author%		Commit author

%date%			Commit date		Date.Day 
%date.dayofweek% 	Date.DayOfWeek 
%date.dayofyear% 	Date.DayOfYear 
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